About Midtown Acupuncture
We’re so excited for you to visit our acupuncture clinic in Bend, Oregon!
Thank you for your interest in Midtown Acupuncture!
As of 11/27/2024, we have closed this chapter of our clinic, while leaving the door open for another chapter down the road, location TBD.
To receive any updates we might have about where we’re practicing next, sign up for our newsletter toward the bottom of our homepage.
Our Origin Story
Our acupuncturist Dr. Eve grew up going on family vacations in Sunriver and Black Butte and fell in love with the high desert terrain and climate that were quite different from what she was used to across the Cascades in Portland. Fast-forward to her husband embarking on many rainy bike commutes to and from the University of Oregon during his master’s and Ph.D. programs, and there you have it: Dr. Eve and her husband decided (after a brief detour to Southern California, which was sunny but just wasn’t Oregon) to make Bend their forever home. For Dr. Eve, part of putting down roots here in Bend was opening her own acupuncture clinic where people could get private acupuncture, community acupuncture, or both, enabling a wider variety of people to get the acupuncture they need. And so, just like that (okay, there were a few hiccups along the way, like the spread of this thing called COVID-19), Midtown Acupuncture was born.
You can learn more about Dr. Eve, including how a daughter of two physicians came to be an acupuncturist, by reading the bio below.
Eve Harburg, D.A.O.M., L.Ac.
A daughter of physicians, Dr. Eve decided to put her interest in medicine toward becoming an acupuncturist out of a need for a different way of looking at a chronic—and chronically misunderstood—illness that began taking a toll on her when she was 12.
After realizing this dream Dr. Eve worked with a chiropractor specializing in motor vehicle accident injuries, gaining experience addressing both physical and psychological trauma while practicing acupuncture and associated therapies in a private room in line with the treatment format that had been the focus of her master’s program. But later on she also joined a community acupuncture clinic where she treated multiple people together, an experience that not only solidified community acupuncture’s special place in her heart for making acupuncture more accessible with its lower-cost sliding-scale pricing and emphasis on trauma-informed care, but also provided inspiration for her doctoral capstone project on post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.
When not wearing her acupuncturist hat Dr. Eve enjoys writing, being in water, and spending time with her husband and their labradoodle.
Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental* Medicine, Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental* Medicine, 2020
Master of Acupuncture and Oriental* Medicine, Oregon College of Oriental* Medicine, 2016
Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology (Spanish minor), Colorado College, 2013
Licenses & Certifications:
Licensed Acupuncturist (AC179638), Oregon Medical Board, 2016-Present
Licensed Acupuncturist (AC18202), California Acupuncture Board, 2018-2020
Diplomate of Oriental* Medicine, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental* Medicine, 2016-Present
Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, 2015-Present
Publications & Awards:
“Acupuncture for scar healing: Clinical tips from a master of the ‘scar arts.’” Acupuncture Today. 2021;22(3):7, 9-10.
Central Oregon Health Council COVID-19 mini-grant, 2020: for Pandemic Stress Relief Program that provided 140 free acupuncture treatments to alleviate stress for those facing financial difficulties brought on or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic
Honor the roots of an ancient healing art with us.
In Asia where acupuncture originated, receiving acupuncture with others is a longstanding tradition.