Community Acupuncture
Shared space, shared cost, shared healing
Thank you for your interest in Midtown Acupuncture!
As of 11/27/2024, we have closed this chapter of our clinic, while leaving the door open for another chapter down the road, location TBD.
To receive any updates we might have about where we’re practicing next, sign up for our newsletter toward the bottom of our homepage.
First Visit: $35-65*
(50+ minutes)
Return Visit: $20-50*
(40+ minutes)
Stop-Smoking Support Only: $75**
(Five treatments, 40+ minutes each)
*Sliding-scale pricing: Pay whatever you can afford within the range.
**Learn more here.
Midtown Acupuncture is proud to be one of the few places in Bend, Oregon, that offers community acupuncture, a model of treatment in which multiple people—whether friends or strangers—receive acupuncture together in a large, quiet room, fully clothed and seated in recliner chairs, for a lower cost that they decide they can afford to pay within a specified range.
While community acupuncture costs less, it is not worth less. The value of community acupuncture lies in all of its unique features that make acupuncture more accessible.
The lower cost of your community acupuncture treatment is a function of you and the people getting treated with you essentially helping each other foot the bill. This is just one example of how getting treated with other people can be an asset. While community acupuncture costs less, it is not worth less. The value of community acupuncture lies in all of its unique features that make acupuncture more accessible. There is value in the reassuring sense of empathy and camaraderie you feel from being in the company of other people working on their health. There is value in the convenience and perhaps comfort of remaining fully clothed. There is value in having the power to make choices in your own healthcare: how much to pay for your treatment, within the range provided; how long to stay for your treatment, if there are enough chairs available and the clinic is still open; even which recliner chair to get treated in. And if you have back pain that you’d like us to treat, rest assured (yes, even with your back against a recliner chair) that we can still treat it without going anywhere near your back—we promise.
If you are interested in Chinese herbs as well as community acupuncture, we recommend booking an herbal consult, offered during our private acupuncture hours. However, in some cases it is fairly straightforward to come up with an herbal recommendation and we will happily send you home with one after your treatment free of charge or order herbs for you for a $10 fee (plus the price of the herbs, adjusted to reflect a small card-processing fee if you’re paying with card).
What to Expect
At the beginning of your first appointment, you’ll spend a brief time filling out forms in our reception area before heading back to our community room where your treatment will take place in one of our six recliner chairs (see descriptions below) with serene nature sounds in the background. Once you’re settled in your available chair of choice, you’ll take off your shoes and socks and put them behind your chair along with any of your other belongings, making sure that your phone is off or silenced so that it won’t disturb you or anyone else during your treatment. If you’re wearing clothing that covers the areas below your knees and elbows, please roll it up to expose these commonly treated areas.
Next, you and Dr. Eve will have a brief chat about your health concerns, keeping your voices down for your privacy and out of respect for anyone resting at a safe distance.
At this point Dr. Eve might feel your pulse at both wrists and look at your tongue to get a better sense of your overall health before giving you an individualized treatment. An acupuncture treatment typically involves 10-20 very thin acupuncture needles, with a range of normal sensations. You might not even feel them at all! If you feel cold or need anything else during your treatment, simply open your eyes. This lets Dr. Eve know to check in on you. It’s also how you communicate that you’re starting to feel restless and ready to go. You can rest for as long as you’d like if there are enough chairs available and the clinic is still open, but let Dr. Eve know if there’s a certain amount of time you’d like to rest for or a certain time when you need to leave. Acupuncture tends to be relaxing; you might even fall asleep!
Finally, Dr. Eve will give you a treatment plan so that you have an idea of how many treatments you’ll need over a given time to address your health concern(s). In most cases, the longer you’ve had a condition, the longer it will take for you to experience relief.
Pick a Chair, Any Chair
“To and Fro Again”
Recliner Chair #1
We sensed that there was something different about Logan from the very first time we sat in him. As we oriented ourselves, we realized that we weren’t just reclining; we were rotating side to side! Lo(gan) and behold, we had discovered our first chair’s superpower: the swivel. -
“The Chair-iot”
Recliner Chair #2
In her previous life, Harriet spent years with the same caretaker—or chairtaker, if you will. Now that’s loyalty! We have no doubt that she will make you feel safe in her arms. -
“The Reclining Machine”
Recliner Chair #3
Once you’re reclined in Gene, you might find that you’re so comfortable you don’t want to get up—and that’s just how Gene likes it. In fact, he likes to be in the reclining position so much that there is a secret to getting him out of it. -
Bill and Gloria
“The Twins”
Recliner Chairs #4 and #5
When Bill and Gloria first joined the team, we had no idea what to call these two look-alikes other than “The Twins.” Then, during an initiatory cleaning, one of them released a piece of paper that read, “From Bill and Gloria.” The rest is history! -
Recliner Chair #6
Our only leather recliner chair, Charlotte is cut from a different cloth—literally. She was donated to us out of the kindness of someone’s heart and we couldn’t be happier to see that her new home is sitting well with her.