
Health tips for winter
Bundle up; hunker down.

Grooving to the circadian rhythm with the Chinese medicine organ clock, part two
Learn how to march to the beat of your own body's drum at nighttime.

Grooving to the circadian rhythm with the Chinese medicine organ clock, part one
Learn how to march to the beat of your own body's drum during daytime.

Health tips for autumn
Saying yes to every project is so last season.

What are acupuncture channels? (And the organs that some of them are named after?)
No, not those kinds of planes…but maybe connective tissue planes.

Is acupuncture just placebo?
If you express sadness at a funeral for someone you've never met, is it fake?

Health tips for summer
Go to the late summer concert if you want; you have nature’s blessing.

What does an acupuncture treatment to support smoking cessation entail?
Simple in nature but potent in effect, the five needle protocol can be a vital tool to help you stop smoking or another addictive behavior.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)?
Chinese medicine may go back thousands of years, but Traditional Chinese Medicine? Not so much.

Health tips for spring
Keep calm and stretch on.

An introduction to living in tune with the seasons
Seasonal living is healthy living.

The wisdom of acupuncture point names, part two
Learn the meanings of five more acupuncture point names.

The wisdom of acupuncture point names, part one
Learn the meanings of five acupuncture point names.

Nine Chinese herbs commonly found in American kitchens
If you live in the United States, there's no need to go to China to taste Chinese herbs; chances are, you have at least one of these on your spice rack.

Why do acupuncturists look at the tongue?
As above, so below.

Acupuncture according to the movies: Only in theaters?
When it comes to conclusions drawn about acupuncture from the movies, this is your ticket to separating fact from fiction.

How does Chinese acupuncture differ from Japanese acupuncture?
Acupuncture was developed in China, but Japan and other nearby regions have put their own spin on it.

What is distal acupuncture?
A light might not be in the same place as the switch that operates it.

What most acupuncturists aren’t telling you about taking insurance
While there’s no doubt that health insurance has provided access to healthcare that some wouldn’t otherwise have, keys that can unlock a door can lock it too.

What is the major overhaul that the acupuncture profession is considering?
Word choice matters.